Camping in vintage style in a Twin Spruce Teardrop Camper. www.twinsprucecampers.com
With the new year approaching, within days actually, I am dreaming of travel. Road trips are a fun way to get a quick and inexpensive travel fix. Camping is of the world class variety here in Colorado, and would be even more cozy and even downright glamorous in a teardrop style camper. My totally cool bohemian friend Kelly Twin and her husband Julian of Twin Spruce Campers recently launched their website offering custom built teardrop trailers. Julian hand builds each camper himself, offering the kind of craftsmanship you could imagine back in the 1930’s when teardrop campers originally started to be popular. The idea was to build a compact camper using standard 4 by 8-foot sheets of plywood with hardwood spars.