This is the front and main entry to the shed, IT was a sad little shed before…
For the entire year of 2016 you may have noticed I have been MIA! haha! Mia as in missing in action. There are many reasons I took some time off from the blog and the development of the business aspect of Bohemian Cottage. After my mom died in January of 2015, I had a really hard time focusing. I struggled with depression and and grief and that lack of focus eventually lead to less and less time devoted to the things I love, like cooking and sharing recipes, gardening, writing…Then my Dad announced in the fall of 2015 that he was going to move in with us! I had encouraged him to move to Colorado for many years, and he finally came to a place where the timing was right for him. Well, as you can ascertain from the pictures of some of my decor projects and parties the cottage was very small for 5 people! My Dad was shortly after his announcement of moving in with us, in a pretty severe motorcycle accident. He ended up in the hospital with a fractured skull, broken collar bone and lots of cuts and bruises. He also sold his house to someone he knew, so he had to be moved out within a month! Smash cut to a few weeks later, Tom and I are there helping to pack up all of his belongings and driving him out here. He had to sleep on an air mattress for 5 months poor guy!