These outdoor metal chairs were rusting and a greyish color as you can see from the picture above. When we were getting ready to host a bachelorette party for my friend Autumn, we needed lots of seating quick. We were short on time and budget, so we decided to paint the chairs we already had. We used a Rustoleum spray paint that said it worked on metal in a gloss finish for 3 of the 4 colors and a satin finish in one. We wanted them to look colorful and bohemian to go with the bright southwestern tie dyed table cloth I had. We chose a lime green, turquoise blue, and coral in the gloss and a purple in the satin finish. To do this project, we just had to clean the chairs, sand down any rust spots and spray paint a light coat or 2 of the Rustoleum paint. We laid drop cloths right outside and worked on a day that had minimal wind. Check out the results!
This project was easy for the girls to help with too. We also had other chairs and 4 ash tree stumps for little tables by the fire pit. At the party we ended up playing Cards Against Humanity, drinking margaritas and eating a wonderful potluck dinner. I made carnitas tacos. It turned out to be the fun low key party the bride to be wanted. I will be sharing soon the Persian Love Cake that I made to celebrate!
Makayla is the Bohemian Cottage official lighting designer, aka she hung up all the outdoor lights. Coda of course helped too. We also hung up a few paper lanterns and cut daisies from the garden and placed them in colorful vases to decorate.

I love bright colors to make things look festive. I’ve had this table cloth for at least 15 years or more!
We also put out Spanish lace fans for all of the ladies to fan themselves with if the weather stayed hot. It only sprinkled on us and cooled right down, so we ended up not needing them after all. Love Colorado! They did pretty up the table anyway. Well, I hope you got a spark of inspiration to go spruce up an old piece of furniture to give it new life like with our old chairs.
Till next time…Stay creative and be inspired!
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