This is the front and main entry to the shed, IT was a sad little shed before…
For the entire year of 2016 you may have noticed I have been MIA! haha! Mia as in missing in action. There are many reasons I took some time off from the blog and the development of the business aspect of Bohemian Cottage. After my mom died in January of 2015, I had a really hard time focusing. I struggled with depression and and grief and that lack of focus eventually lead to less and less time devoted to the things I love, like cooking and sharing recipes, gardening, writing…Then my Dad announced in the fall of 2015 that he was going to move in with us! I had encouraged him to move to Colorado for many years, and he finally came to a place where the timing was right for him. Well, as you can ascertain from the pictures of some of my decor projects and parties the cottage was very small for 5 people! My Dad was shortly after his announcement of moving in with us, in a pretty severe motorcycle accident. He ended up in the hospital with a fractured skull, broken collar bone and lots of cuts and bruises. He also sold his house to someone he knew, so he had to be moved out within a month! Smash cut to a few weeks later, Tom and I are there helping to pack up all of his belongings and driving him out here. He had to sleep on an air mattress for 5 months poor guy!
We finally got the cottage ready to sell and put it on the market. Well the real estate market in the Denver metro area is insane! Especially of course when we went to buy (and sell!). That whole story of the agonizing process is something I will have to tell in a post all it’s very own. Eventually we were able to find a house in the Green Mountain area (really close to Red Rocks! Yay!). No longer in a small cottage, we got a mid century ranch with a basement. And it was a fixer upper! It is still in progress, but we were able to get it to a decent enough state to move in May of 2016.
So, with all of these changes, struggling with some depression and lack of focus, I was missing in action. I missed blogging and sharing with all of you! There are so many plans I want to make a reality with the blog and business including a podcast and both mobile and online boutiques. There are goals to update the site, give her a little make over. I am also working on our international “Shedquarters” or She Shed to be the hub of all the activity with Bohemian Cottage. I toyed around with renaming the site altogether, but I think for now, it will remain Bohemian Cottage. The Cottage is now a soon to be renovated shed, but the blog shall go on!

Here is the exterior painting in progress
With a new year, a year with lots of changes afoot, I wanted to share with you some of the intentions and goals I have for Bohemian Cottage with hopes that you will continue to join me on this roller coaster journey! The first thing I wanted to share was about the Shedquarters!

Here is where I will add on a little tool shed to the side…
The Shed is 12×16, so a decent size. Unfortunately it is pretty old, and currently a quarter of it is being used to store gardening tools. It is not insulated or wired for electricity yet either. We did just upgrade our electrical panel, so it will be ready for wiring the shed. The first steps (besides endless hours pinning sheds and art studio ideas!) is to level the shed with hi-low jacks and put some supports beneath it. The concrete has cracked and settled so it is putting a lean on quite a bit. Then I need to build on a little addition on the end for a small tool shed. I am thinking a little shed roof attached to the side as an addition with double swinging doors enough to hold a lawn mower and some shovels, rakes and a wheelbarrow. Once both of those things are completed, the shed will be wired for electricity and heat. Once that is done, we can insulate it and drywall (or panel? or shiplap?…brb, gotta go back on pinterest!). Then paint. The inside that is. I have already painted the outside as you can see in the pictures. I plan to recreate, a bit differently, my sky ceiling mural! Oh and a chandelier. And pretty curtains… there will be built in counter space to work on sewing and other craft projects, and a easel set up for painting. As you can tell, I have big plans for the little space. I plan to get more pictures to share of the progress too.
It feels really inspiring to be back in action!

The shed before I painted it.

This is the front view. Tom replaced the doors as they had a lot of rot on them.
Well, there is a lot of work ahead and a fun adventure awaits. Till next time…
Be creative and stay inspired!