The mini white ghost pumpkins I grew this year did quite well and look great gathered in a fall themed bowl.
With the transition of summer to fall, it’s the time of year I love to savor since it is so fleeting and so beautiful. I wanted to share some of the things I enjoy to bring fall into Fox Cottage. When I think of fall, it brings to mind certain scents, colors, textures and just an over all cozy feeling as the air starts to turn to that cooler, crisp weather. My go to fall fixes are:
- Decorating with nature. Think pumpkins, gourds, flowers, twigs and leaves.
- Candle light. Bringing in a nice warm glow.
- Scent. Fall scents with candles, cooking and a fall simmer pot of natural fruits and spices that I will share with yo.u
- Food. I love to switch the summer menu to fall with warming soups and stews, roasted veggies and other comfort food.
- Sound. Music that helps reflect a fall state of mind are always playing in our house. Here is a link to our Spotify Autumn playlist.

Using nature and items found in the garden to decorate can make a big seasonal impact without spending anything.
When planning our garden in the early spring, I always plan the garden around what I will be using the plants for. Some are of course edible and culinary while others are for pure enjoyment. I usually think ahead to fall at that time to plan for what crops we will be wanting like pumpkins and winter squashes, mums and marigolds to be used in fall displays. (read more)